Friday 29 May 2015

New Zealand Girls Images

Happy (early) Waitangi Day! This Saturday, Kiwis (the people of New Zealand, not the fruit) everywhere will be celebrating the formerly named New Zealand Day, which commemorates the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi in 1840, which recognized the country as part of the British empire and granted its citizens equal rights to British subjects. Crikey! G'day mate! Er, whatever New Zealander exclamation you prefer!

While traditional celebrations of the holiday range from subdued, private observance to social balls and pub crawls, we decided to have a whole 'nother celebration, in the way only we can do. We've counted down the 10 Hottest New Zealand Women for this week's Worldwide Wednesday, so cue up your Flight of the Conchords 8-track and enjoy.Boys brace yourself — New Zealand women are the most promiscuous in the world, an international study has found.

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